Campus Directory

Marcus Hunt
Title: | Adjunct Faculty |
Email: | |
Department: | Philosophy |
Marcus Hunt’s interest in philosophy grew out of an interest in religion. The two have circled around each other with admiration and suspicion ever since. Hunt writes mainly about the philosophy of the family, of religion, and of the emotions, the overlap being the piety that we owe to the causes of our being.
Ph.D. in Philosophy
Tulane University
M.A. in Philosophy
Queen's University Belfast
B.A. in Philosophy and Political Science
Trinity College Dublin
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of the family, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of emotion.
- Licensed
- Certificate of
Chair Specialized Clinical Interests
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Courses Taught
PHIL 140/150: The Examined Life
Selected Honors/Awards
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- Luck, Fate, and Fortune: The Tychic Properties. Philosophical Explorations, 27.3, pp.298-314, 2024.
- Person-Creating & Filial Piety. The Journal of Value Inquiry, online, pp.1-24, 2023.
- Why Parent Together? The European Journal of Analytic Philosophy, 19.2, pp.1-25, 2023.
- It Cannot be Fitting to Blame God. The Heythrop Journal, 64.4, pp.517-531, 2023.
- The Hypostasis of the Archons: Platonic Forms as Angels. Religions, 14.1, pp.1-17, 2023.
- Arguments from Common Consent. Dialogue: A Journal of Religion & Philosophy, 58, pp.17-22, 2022.
- Parental Compromise. Critical Review of International Social & Political Philosophy, 25.2 pp.260-80,2022.
- Gratitude is Only Fittingly Targeted Towards Agents. Sophia, 61.2 pp.345-63, 2022.
- Procreation is Intrinsically Valuable Because it is Person Producing. South African Journal of Philosophy, 41.1 pp.75-87, 2022.
- Noble Animals, Brutish Animals. Between the Species, 24.1 pp.70-92, 2021.
- What Grounds Special Treatment Between Siblings? Etikk i Praksis: Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics, 14.1 pp.67-83, 2020.
- Reasons to Believe. Introduction to Philosophy: Philosophy of Religion. Rebus Press, pp.22-33, 2020 .
- Veganism & Children: Physical & Social Well-being. Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics, 32.2 pp.269-91, 2019.